Privacy Policy

The following is the privacy policy and disclaimer for Medicine Information In Japan (hereinafter referred to as “this blog”).

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

This blog may ask you to enter your name, e-mail address, and other personal information when you make inquiries or post comments.

The personal information obtained will be used only for necessary contact and will not be used for any other purpose.

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

Personal information obtained will be managed appropriately and will not be disclosed to third parties except in the following cases

When the consent of the person in question has been obtained.

When disclosure is required by law.

Use of Cookies

This blog uses cookies to deliver advertisements and for access analysis.

Cookies are used to identify browsers, but they are kept anonymous in such a way that specific individuals cannot be identified.

If you do not wish to use cookies, you can set your browser to disable cookies.

About Ad-Serving Services

This site uses the following third-party advertising services

Ad-serving providers may use cookies to display advertisements that are relevant to your interests.

Please see ” Advertising – Policies and Terms – Google ” for settings to disable cookies and more information about Google Adsense.

This site is also a participant in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate program designed to enable sites to earn referral fees by promoting and linking to

Third parties may provide content and advertising, collect information directly from visitors, and set or recognize cookies on visitors’ browsers.

Access Analysis Tools

This blog uses Google Analytics to analyze access information.

Cookies are used to analyze access information. You can also reject the collection of access information by disabling cookies.

For more information on Google’s data collection and processing mechanism, please click here.

About Comments

We collect IP addresses when you leave comments on our blog.

This is a standard feature supported by the blog and we do not use this IP address for any other purpose than to respond to spam or trolls.

Please note that all comments are reviewed and approved by the administrator before they are posted. Please be aware of this beforehand. In addition, the administrator reserves the right to reject or delete comments that include any of the following items at his/her discretion

Comments that defame or slander a specific natural or legal person.

Comments that contain extremely obscene content.

Comments that are related to trading of prohibited goods or requests for acts that are prohibited by law, such as requests for acts that are harmful to others, or requests or mediation for acts that are prohibited by law.

Any other contents that are deemed offensive to public order and morals, or that should not be approved by the administrator.


When you are transferred from this site to other sites by links, banners, etc., we assume no responsibility for the information, services, etc., provided at the destination site.

While every effort has been made to ensure that the content and information on this site is as accurate as possible, it is possible that erroneous information may have been included, or that information may be out of date.

Please note that the products, payment, etc. requested by customers are to be handled directly with the linked retailers, so please confirm the descriptions based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions with the linked retailers.

Product prices, product details, sales tax, shipping costs, stock levels, and other details may change from time to time, and the return/refund guarantee is also guaranteed by the linked seller.

Please check not only this site but also the linked sites carefully.

Please use the information on this site at your own discretion and responsibility.

Please understand that we are not responsible for any damages caused by the contents of this site.

Disclaimer Regarding Medical Information

While we will do our best to provide correct medical information on this blog, please be sure to follow the instructions of your doctor or pharmacist to ensure proper use of pharmaceuticals, including instructions given by medical institutions and instructions on how to take prescription medications.

This blog cannot be held responsible for any damage to your health that occurs as a result of using the product without following the above precautions.

In such cases, even if medical treatment is required, the user will be responsible for the use of the product, so please use the product with care.


We do not waive copyrights for the information on this site. Quotations from articles on this site may be made free of charge, provided that the source of the quotation is clearly indicated.

However, full-text reproduction is not permitted.

The scope of permitted quotations is subject to change without prior notice. It is also prohibited to use RSS feeds from this site and plagiarize the contents as they are.

Linking to this site

Basically, this site is link-free. You do not need permission to link to this site.

When citing an article, please include a link to the source of the citation.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This site will comply with Japanese laws and regulations applicable to personal information, and will review and improve this privacy policy from time to time.

The revised and updated Privacy Policy will always be disclosed on this page.

Date of enactment: April 20, 2024

【Medicine Information In Japan】

Administrator: Kabako